Become a Sponsor

Upcoming Events

Sponsorship can be very powerful because it is perceived as an endorsement of the association by an independent third party.

Sponsorship is one of the means open to a company to bring itself or its products to the attention of consumers and present them in a favorable light. Sponsorship seeks to enhance these messages by association with an event and or association that shares similar image qualities and values as the service. Help the Greater New York PCC, while gaining valuable targeted exposure for your products and services by becoming a sponsor.

Learn more about our two sponsorship programs.


  • $500 allows your firm to sponsor a breakfast meeting.
  • The Sponsor’s name will be posted and remain on the PCC website for one year.
  • The Sponsor’s name will be indicated on the program and any and all mailing pertaining to the program.
  • The Sponsor has the opportunity to present/display information (brochures, etc.) at the entrance to the meeting.
  • A designated sponsor representative is introduced before the meeting starts and has three to five minutes to introduce their organization —not a hard sales pitch.
Let's Get Started

IMG_4816We offer 4 sponsorship opportunities for National PCC Day:

  • Breakfast Sponsor
  • General Sponsor
  • Vendor Table
Let's Get Started